Rosemary Hill

Rosemary Hill is on a beautiful farmland situated just outside Pretoria. We specialise in Weddings, Events & High Teas. We also have a picturesque trail for mountain bikers, runners and hikers. Our coffee shop is open on Monday to Thursday from 08h00 to 17h00 with a limited menu. Fridays from 08h00 to 14h00 with a limited menu. On weekends & Public holidays we are open from 07h00 to 14h00. We grow various plants such as Rosemary, Sutherlandia, Lavender, Lippia, Spearmint, Eucalyptus, African Potato, Artemisia, and various other plants from which we distill essential oils.

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N4 east, Bosckhop/ Donkerhoek exit, Pretoria, 1000


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